06 August 2015

Manufacturing sea level rise acceleration

It's claimed that both increased land ice melt and ocean heat uptake are occurring. Melting land ice is supposedly on the increase, and the missing heat of the global warming pause is supposedly going into the ocean.

If the missing heat was miraculously going into the deep ocean it would cause thermal expansion, but this expansion is not observed [1, 2, 3].

For there to be both increased land ice melt and ocean heat uptake there must surely be significant sea level rise acceleration (though some like David Appell disagree), yet no acceleration is evident in any individual tide gauge [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].

Global satellite altimetry shows no acceleration either:

(See also)

So an acceleration must be manufactured by up-tweaking:

Obama can stop sea level rise acceleration...simply by stopping all the up-tweaking! [1, 2]

You can see above in the pre-tweaked data a deceleration around 2005 that was unacceptable to the climate gravy-train-fraud.

But even that up-tweaking's not enough because all it did was eliminate the 2005 to 2015 deceleration and restored it to a straight line trend; there's still no acceleration. So different data sets must be spliced together to finally produce the desired acceleration in sea level rise:

And voilĂ : like magic your theory is proven...by changing the facts! See how easy climate science is?!

Now I take this up-tweaked product of govt-funded consensus-science and compare it to the New York tide gauge data I plotted and you can see the up-tweaking fraud laid bare:

CSIRO's in on the act too taking a non-trend in individual tide gauges and homogenising an uptrend, the up-tweaking even surpassing that of satellite up-tweaking with its GIA adjustment.

CSIRO Certified Homogenisation Up-tweaked ✔
Of course there are local differences in sea level. But these are small and cancel each other out. For example there was local sea level upswell on the US eastern seaboard in recent years [1, 2], but even that didn't have any noticeable effect on the NY tide gauge.

When you take a broad cross-section across many areas and there's still no global trend, it's clear some up-tweaking tricks are being used to create upward trends where none exists.

Claims of accelerated land ice mass loss in Greenland of Antarctica are also not substantiated in these sea level rise observations, nor in theory either: it snowing more during warm times, more than offsetting any increased ice melt at the edges from warming [1, 2].

Claims of GRACE and other satellite measures of accelerated land ice loss are too often skewed by arbitrary glacial isostatic adjustments (guesswork) – bias can creep in.

The above graph is supposed to show how greenhouse warming's still heating the earth. Yet it is not explained why the air should stop warming in 1998 and all greenhouse heat suddenly move exclusively into the ocean.

It's glaring holes like this that make AGW theory look silly; it's not science when every observation is skewed in favour of a pre-decided outcome. Too often data is changed to suit theory instead of the other way around, in order to keep the AGW gravy train rolling.

And anyway, if all of the AGW heat (some 93%? [1,2,3]) goes into the ocean so readily then it's not doing harm on the surface, so why the need to spend trillions on it? Problem solved: the ocean ate my warming.

There's no anomalous warming from greenhouse gases or any other source, and any warming that does occur is a good thing for the planet and its inhabitants.

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