DePalma Links

Free Energy links

DePalma video on YouTube:

On 18/5/2013 I took down episodes 7 - 9 (half of the DePalma Tesla Symposium lecture) due to a copyright claim.  If you want the whole video of that particular lecture (originally  episodes 4 - 10) plus much more on a 2 hr DVD  go to:

teaser here:


...see blurb for above videos at bottom of this page.

DePalma papers:

  • Kincheloe test link here:
  • A couple of articles from the early 1990's in the now-defunct magazine Magnets In Your Future:
  • Big dump of stuff here:

  • Complete blurb from YouTube DePalma videos I uploaded:

Episode Guide of 18 segments:


1 - 3 Trombly at conference
4 - 10 DePalma lecture
10 - 11 N-1 Santa Barbara N-machine test
11, 4:11 - 14, 0:39 Sunburst test
14 - 17 DePalma on radio etc
17, 7:17 - 18 end, Tewari

The video quality is poor at the start but gradually gets better.

The first three segments of this video feature Adam Trombly at a free energy conference in Switzerland. He mentions the term zero-point energy which is what some scientists call free energy. Another term is vacuum point energy. Yet another term is space power. It refers to the limitless energy in space - not meaning outer space but every cubic centimetre of space - everywhere in the universe. Energy is not conserved and can be created or destroyed. The law of conservation of energy is invalid. If you want a quick and easy experiment to invalidate Newton's third law of motion that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction check the lack of reaction torque on the stator magnet of a Faraday disk motor. It is non-existent. The rotor apparently pushes against space.

Nikola Tesla suggested hitching our machines to the very wheelwork of the universe. Free energy is possible.

The Trombly-Kahn machine has a closed magnetic path. It is described in DePalma's lecture later on in this series. Tewari based his machine on the Trombly-Kahn design. It boosts rotor magnetic field but is believed to increase drag upon current withdrawal. All of DePalma's machines were open magnetic path. Closed magnetic path N-machines may have higher drag than open path. Tewari has reported efficiencies of 230 - 270% over-unity. Trombly's machine had similar efficiency. Tewari is featured at the end of this series.
I believe John Wheeler suggested a value of 10^96 joules per cubic centimetre of space for space energy. There's another conventional physicist who talked about zero point energy Hal Puthoff - maybe worth a look. It's seems only the public is not allowed to know about free energy.

Trombly had his N-machine confiscated by the FBI under the Inventions Secrecy Act. The only thing they didn't take were some documents he stashed above the false ceiling of the lab. Trombly said over 200 patents on the N-machine have been classified under this Act. Under the Act the inventor isn't even allowed to say he has been served with an order and the govt is under no obligation to compensate the inventor.

DePalma describes how time and inertia are altered near a rotating object. DePalma described the effect as a distortion of space - a field of altered inertia. A rotating object falls faster along its axis of rotation under the influence of gravity. It will also rise higher when projected upward vertically. DePalma describes how the tines of an Accutron pitch fork are slowed down when the vibration is made parallel to the axis of rotation near to a rotating object. This demonstrates a field of altered inertia near a rotating object.

A rotating object loses inertia in the plane of rotation and gains it along it axis.

As the inertia along the axis is increased the gravity also increases.

The force machine consists of two contra rotating gyroscopes precessed in a rotating cylinder housing. This machine got lighter upon operation.


More of the DePalma lecture. Rotation alters not only the inertia of and near a rotating object but gravitational attraction as well.


The first N-machine prototype was the Sunburst machine. It had an incremental efficiency of 5:1, meaning when the electrical power was output it was 5 times greater than the mechanical power required to drive the load. The N-machine is Michael Faraday's one piece homopolar generator. The US Navy has been using it in all surface battle combatants since 1992. The Navy spent $2 billion in research including on the use of liquid metal sodium potassium eutectic brushes. In an old issue of All Hands -- January 1989, number 862 -- which is no longer available the Navy announced the Integrated Electric Drive using homopolar generators including a configuration where the magnets are internal to the rotor which is the N-machine.

The latest generation of Navy warships use all electric systems - no nuclear or diesel just free energy. But, because free energy is a "dual use technology", that is, it can be used for both military and civilian purposes, it has been banned by the military industrial complex for civilian use. It would literally solve the energy and environment crisis but that's not a priority for them.


One of DePalma's old professors at Harvard (sorry can't remember name) was informed by DePalma of the discovery that a rotating gyroscope falls faster than non-rotating. The professor setup a very careful experiment to duplicate results in a vacuum so windage was not affecting the test. The day of the test passed and DePalma enquired as to the results. The professor informed him the experiment was not performed. The reason given from the professor was: "If the expected result took place it could not be explained therefore the experiment should not be done".
DePalma's wiki page was deleted on March 2009. The wiki gatekeepers stated that DePalma was a crack-pot inventor and said that perpetual motions machines are impossible. Of course purely mechanical perpetual motion machines are impossible however a number of magnetic perpetual motion machines have been demonstrated. DePalma's N-machine is not a perpetual motion machine though, it is a free energy or over unity machine. It requires a drive motor to be supplied by energy from the generator in order to create a self-running engine - which is possible. Seeing as free energy violates the law of conservation of energy I wouldn't expect wiki to have it on there anyway. It's a shame that DePalma's rotating object experiments were taken down too. These experiments also violate conventional physics and I guess Wiki can't have that.


The N-1 Santa Barbara dual N-machine had a lower efficiency than expected. Only 210% incremental efficiency. The Sunburst generator was 500% electrical output over mechanical input to drive the electrical load.


Sunburst test video starts 4:11 in. This machine has an electromagnet in the rotor rather than permanent. This would be around 1980. There was jubilation at the time as the 3-phase drive motor shows virtually no increased load when power is extracted from the machine. At this point they believed the machine could be 20 to 50 times over-unity. However later test by Stanford professor emeritus Robert Kincheloe using a DC drive motor showed only a 5 to 1 efficiency - 500% over-unity. This is still the record for a publically tested N-machine. Most other N-machines including DePalma's subsequent models, Tewari and Trombly machines were 145% - 300%.


At one point when the Sunburst N-machine electromagnet is switched on it affects the camera and the picture turns green.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell tried to liase on behalf of the US govt with DePalma some time during the 1980s. Mitchell said to DePalma it was to be a company the size of General Motors within 2 years to supply US power needs. However, DePalma did not accept the offer from Mitchell of a small sub-million dollar salary and perhaps a 1% stake in the proposed company as his cut. In a rage Mitchell then informed DePalma that if he tried to develop the N-machine independent of the government they would blow his head off.

Mitchell said: "There was never any doubt that this was the free energy machine the government was looking for."

Kincheloe test link here:

A couple of articles from the early 1990's in the now-defunct magazine Magnets In Your Future:

Big dump of stuff here:


After the testing there's a bunch of speeches. The Sunburst community members were really exited that they were about to change the world. But vested interests blocked its development. The govt threatened DePalma's life if he developed it. In 1992 DePalma moved to Australia and then New Zealand for the final 5 1/2 years of his life. The rotating object experiments alone should have seen his name in all the text books. He was a genius and an American hero.


DePalma conceived of the N-machine in 1978. In fact he reinvented a generator first discovered in 1831 by Michael Faraday. It is the one-piece Faraday Disk generator. Faraday discovered two methods of induction. In 29 August 1831 he discovered that a relative motion between a magnet and coiled conductor will produce a volatge and current in it. Four months later on 26 December 1831 he discovered that a disk rotated over the pole of a magnet will likewise induce a voltage. However, unlike the coil-wound version the disk does not require a relative motion with the magnet - the disk and magnet may be co-rotated. When the disk is co-rotated the efficiency is more than when the magnet is kept stationary but, alas, Faraday did not have facility to measure this difference.

Because the coil-wound generator had high voltage it was more convenient than the disk. If only Faraday had some way of measuring efficiency he could have seen that the disk version was capable of free energy and the world may have taken a different path. The Conservation of Energy proposed by Clausius may not have been reinforced and taken hold as it did. We would not have energy companies in a paradigm where energy can be liberated from space. Through other experiments, such as Joules paddle in water, energy in different forms were deemed to have "equivalence", that is an exact conversion rate, and hence were being "converted" from one form to another and not created or destroyed. However, energy equivalence is incorrect. There are many situations in which the conversion rate is different between different forms but this knowledge is suppressed by mainstream science.

Faraday invented four types of disk machine. A disc can be axially co-rotated over the pole of a stationary magnet and current extracted. The magnet can also be co-rotated and current extracted. Or current can be applied to the disc to be used as a motor for the other two configurations. When the disk is used as a motor with the magnets stationary, as in a Faraday Disk Motor, the efficiency is limited to 100%. Navy All Hands literature mentions 98% efficiency for their motors. But when the magnet is co rotated it becomes a far poorer motor - perhaps 33% efficient. The flipside is you get a 300% efficient generator - very handy.

The distinction in induction is that a coil wound generator is always AC and relies on a change in flux and a relative motion between magnet and conductor. In an N-machine a relative motion is not required - just rotation. The magnetic field stays stationary. You can generate a voltage in a magnet rotated axially through its own field. In such a manner the homopolar generator is the only truly DC generator. (A conventional DC generator merely converts AC to DC via a split ring commutator.)

It's worthwhile linking the low drag property of the N-machine to the property of the Faraday Disk Motor of a lack of reaction torque in the stator magnet.

DePalma renamed one of Faradays four disk configurations - the one-piece Faraday Disk generator - the N-machine after he discovered the low drag (over-unity) effect.


Just a bit more on energy "equivalence". It is believed by present day conventional scientists that the total amount of energy is fixed and that it cannot be created or destroyed but only converted from one form to another. Conservation of energy is based on thermodynamics. In thermodynamics energy is indeed conserved. This understanding of conservation of heat was applied to all energy after it was noticed that coil-wound electrical generators were limited to 100% efficient as well. Furthermore, mechanical perpetual motion machines did not succeed and so it was decided around 1851 that all energy could be modelled by thermodynamics and that energy was conserved.

Another example of energy equivalence is James Joules water paddle experiment. By churning water in bucket with a paddle Joule concocted a conversion rate for mechanical energy and heat. However, fast forward to the 20th century and another inventor discovers that parallel rotating disks will produce three times as much heat in water for the same mechanical energy. Which is the correct conversion rate? Either energy is being created or destroyed in one or other of the situations. It is because there is no fixed conversion rate nor is there energy equivalence in different forms. The conversion rate depends totally on the method of conversion. The concept that all energy is in a fixed quantity in the Universe and is merely manifest in different forms - mechanical, electrical, heat etc - is purely in our imagination. Energy can be created or destroyed. The law of conservation of energy is invalid.


The credits for the compilation roll at 6:50. This video compilation is about 19 years old. The Sunburst footage would be from earlier, possibly 1980.


This is Paramahamsa Tewari and an assistant. Tewari copied the Trombly-Kahn design with his own modifications. There is no talking in this. He calls his N-machine Space Power Generator. At the time Tewari was head of the Kaiga atomic power plant. As Bruce mentions in episode 15 Tewari was interested in producing hydrogen from water with that big black cell that looks like a huge car battery.

At first they test the voltage at low speed. My guess is the silver plated device that looks like a stereo is the electromagnet control. They test the voltage for various electromagnet energizations. Then they crank up the speed. There's a lot of noise because there a lot of friction particularly in those solid brushes. Liquid metal contacts and low friction are better for homopolar generation.

For MrAstro888: link to What Killed the Dinosaurs here:

Link to oceans creating magnetic field:

Click on the link "journal article" in the above for more details.